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20 Facts That Prove Paul was a False Apostle
How the name Yeshua became Jesus
Is Paul Responsible for Marxism?
Are you like me in that while you were raised in a God-fearing environment, you knew some truth existed in the doctrines you had become familiar with, yet at the same time, you realized some things just didn’t add up or seem right? And, when you ask the difficult questions, are you tired of being told essentially that the height of all understanding is understanding that you don’t understand? If this sounds like you, welcome to my online book, Yeshua and The Law versus Paul the False Apostle.
Solomon said:
“Yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding. If you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding: Then you will understand righteousness and justice, Equity and every good path.”
Proverbs 2:3-5,5,9 NKJV
Today much is being peddled under the guise of truth/understanding in both Christianity and Judaism that simply does not add up. The age-old controversy over understanding the sovereignty of God, and ‘who has eternal life’ are two larger issues.
In my search for sense-making understanding, I have come to some significant and astounding conclusions that are intellectually satisfying but have left me without good standing in either the Christian or Jewish communities. Both sides would call my conclusions heresy. Yet I believe it is imperative that I stand on my own two feet before my Maker. On judgment day, all of man’s religious institutions will come to nothing, and whether he likes it or not, every man will find himself standing alone with no institution in sight to take the blame for his mistaken understandings.
At the same time, I fully acknowledge that God has been involved in the lives of individuals of both Jewish and Christian persuasions. For myself, I was raised in Protestant Evangelical Christianity in which I was very active for many years. I saw real answers to prayer as I continued to struggle for better understanding. For the most part, I now attribute these ‘miracles‘ to one or both of two things. Firstly, to God’s indescribable love and mercy toward man in spite of his ignorance and errors, and secondly, to the latent power of raw faith. No longer do I interpret them as proof of possessing superior doctrine.
A problem stems from man’s tendency to evaluate himself in terms of absolutes. People tend to see themselves as either good or evil and therefore deserving either all of heaven or all of hell. Mankind seems blind to the fact that he was given the capacity to grow in favor with God. Where a person stands in favor with God could be illustrated as a scale from 0-10, 10 being ultimate favor with God, and 0 no favor. Today, the best of individuals in either Christianity or Judaism might rate a 2. On the other hand, someone like the prophet Daniel might rate around 8+, Moses and Elijah 9, and Yeshua 10. But a rating of 2 can appear impressive in a world where the general level is 1 or lower. It’s a matter of perspective, where a 2 appears at least twice as good as all others. It is far easier to pat one’s self on the back for what he is not, as opposed to turning around and facing the fact that he is nothing near what he could be.
Jewish and Christian doctrine has responded by sedating its followers from the pain of this reality with a concept of the sovereignty of God borrowed from Greek philosophy. In short, it suggests that we are who and what we are because God has for-ordained it to be so. This in effect puts the blame for man’s pathetic condition back on God. At the same time, this ultra-sovereign picture of God allows man to see himself as the best there is. This always leads to pride. The natural outflow from pride is to believe one has found the exclusive way to salvation, and all others are doomed. This bigoted posturing is particularly repulsive. It is rampant… understood, but not always spoken, in most factions of Christianity and some Jewish sects. The self-serving aspects of this fear-mongering should be evident.
No one has cornered the market on eternal life. The truth happens to be one of the good news/bad news scenarios. Eternal life in a better place is relatively easy to obtain. It is “the Kingdom of God”, or alternately “the Kindom of Heaven” that is much more difficult to obtain, and there is a difference!
In my book, I show how after his conversion experience, Paul continued to be in severe error in his understanding of God and of Yeshua’s teachings and purpose. I also show how he continually abused the Hebrew Scriptures to help sell his faulty doctrines. I show that he misinterpreted his own conversion experience as a meeting with his own glorious destiny when in reality it was nothing more than an ultimatum to stop the persecution of the Messianic believers. Because of what Paul believed concerning his destiny, he became conceited and continually tried to upstage the very apostles who had walked with Yeshua and heard what he taught over his entire ministry. Paul was too proud to learn from them but instead had to receive his doctrine by “divine revelation”. He was the first of many to come along since then with a “new” revelation.
The writing of the book Yeshua and the Law versus Paul the False Apostle is motivated by the desire to address these and other seemingly irreconcilable problems. As the title suggests, the teachings of Yeshua and that of Paul, the supposed apostle, are not at all compatible with each other. It is Paul’s doctrine that is the source of most of the problems in Christianity. Paul’s understanding of God’s character was shared by many of the leading first-century Pharisees. Much of modern Rabbinic Judaism fondly traces its roots and doctrines back to this same sect.
Not only do I expose Paul as a false apostle, but I also show that he is, in fact, the very false apostle and “liar” that Yeshua commended the Ephesian congregation for rejecting in the book of Revelation. I also show that Paul’s doctrine is responsible for the very anti-Semitic doctrine of replacement theology. This is the teaching that God has made Christianity the new true Israel of God. Anti-Semitism so saturated the pews of both Catholic and Protestant churches through much of history that it could be argued the holocaust itself could not have occurred had it not been for the general ‘who cares’ attitude of Christians toward the Jews. This attitude found its legitimacy in replacement theology. This arrogant and obnoxious doctrine could not be further from the truth.
What I present as the truth of the gospel of Yeshua is nothing new. In an age when the world is on the fast track to destruction, many preachers, priests, and rabbis are calling their flocks to return to the older principles of a few generations ago. I suggest we need to go back much further. We need to return to the teachings that Yeshua left with the men who walked with him. His doctrine was unquestionably the purest Judaism. The first Messianic believers in Jerusalem before the advent of Paul were 100% Law-abiding, (observant) for nearly twenty years before they ever heard the notion that the Law had been ‘superseded’. They continued to abide by the Law of Moses, including burnt offerings, right up to the destruction of the Temple forty years after Yeshua prophesied its destruction. These well-established facts of history should cause us to have some questions about a maverick like Paul who spent only a few minutes hearing a mear handful of Yeshua’s words on the road to Damascus.
Yeshua and The Law versus Paul the False Apostle
Scott Nelson
Chapter Links
Chapter 2 – Heaven, or Hell? What is at Stake? (part 1)
Chapter 3 – Heaven, or Hell? What is at Stake? (part 2)
Chapter 4 – Calvinism and The Attributes of Deity
Chapter 7 – What is the Infallible Word of God?
Chapter 8 – Paul the False Apostle
Chapter 11 – Did Peter Endorse Paul?
Chapter 12 – Who was the 12th Apostle?
Chapter 13 – The Book of Hebrews
Chapter 14 – What about burnt offerings?
Chapter 15 – The Law stands, and more of Paul’s doctrinal errors
Chapter 16 – Is Yeshua Israel’s Messiah? (part 1)
Chapter 17 – Is Yeshua Israel’s Messiah? (part 2)